A collaborative effort between The Bridge By H.O.P.E Foundation, Inc. , Experience Excellence, LLC, and the Texas Southern University Chapter of the NAACP, the G.rowth L.earning O.pportunities through B.alanced A.djustment and L.eadership (G.L.O.B.A.L) conference, which will be hosted on Saturday,November 3, 2018 from 8am - 4 pm, will give participants the opportunity to learn about specific high school to college or workshop transitions, FAFSA , scholarship opportunities, and other topics that relate to college life. We believe that the entire GLOBAL conference will give the students a chance to expand their horizons in order to achieve their goals. Designed to include a higher education focus, the feel of college life, as well as interactions with a diverse group of peers, the GLOBAL conference will bridge the gap for many students who participate and give them a true sense of their overall college readiness and their own transition. To register, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1st-annual-global-conference-tickets-49860946433 !